Saturday, 19 July 2014

Some Tips To Keep Your Cat Healthy And Happy.
Some Tips To Keep Your Cat Healthy And Happy.
Like people, cats require balanced diets with good nutrition. In order for them to live an enjoyable life you should learn proper care. Uncover more about what foods your cat should be eating by reading the article below.

It is always important to take your cat to the veterinarian for regular checkups. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health. If you can, stick with one vet for your cat's entire life. Your veterinarian needs to know about your pet's history, and your cat will feel more comfortable if you always take her to the same vet.

Put a heated tile beneath the bed of an older cat. You can do this simply with a terra cotta tile measuring a square foot. Heated in your oven around 200 degrees, it can be ready in as little as 15 minutes. Use an old towel to wrap it up safely before placing it beneath your cat's favorite napping spot. If necessary, you can change out the tile after a few hours to provide continued warmth.

If your cat is a female, you'll want to spay her once she reaches the proper age. You may believe that this is unnecessary if your cat stays inside all the time however, cats almost always find a way to get outside, especially if they are in heat. When this occurs, your cat could get pregnant. Spray your cat so that this will not occur.

Do not allow your cat to stay bored all of the time. Cats need play and exercise like other pets. Too frequently this need is overlooked by owners. Cats who get bored often have issues that can affect them in a big way. Some of these issues are obesity due to eating out of boredom, OCD issues, fighting with other pets and depression. Make sure your cats have a wide variety of toys and lots of room for active play. Indoor cats will be happier if you provide them with climbing resources and practical things such as scratching posts.

Make a tablecloth that your cat can use. Cats sometimes like to eat food outside of their bowl. If this happens, you'll have to clear away any excess food that's left outside. A simpler method of doing this is by getting a place-mat and placing it under their bowl. You can also cut some fabric to make a tablecloth that can be lifted, washed, or shaken over a trash can.

Proper nutrition and diet is essential for a cat's well being. Eating a poor diet can really harm a cat. Choose the cat food you use for your pet very carefully.

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